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47 products


Sumiko Wellfleet
Sumiko Wellfleet
Sale price  / Pcs $590.00
Sumiko Moonstone
Sumiko Moonstone
Sale price  / Pcs $395.00
Sumiko Olympia
Sumiko Olympia
Sale price  / Pcs $292.00
Sumiko Rainier
Sumiko Rainier
Sale price  / Pcs $191.00
Sumiko Pearl
Sumiko Pearl
Sale price  / Pcs $162.00
Sumiko Black Pearl
Sumiko Black Pearl
Sale price  / Pcs $147.00
Sumiko Oyster
Sumiko Oyster
Sale price  / Pcs $96.00
Ortofon 2MR Black LVB 250
Ortofon 2MR Black LVB 250
Sale price  / Pcs $1,105.00
Ortofon 2MR Black
Ortofon 2MR Black
Sale price  / Pcs $663.00
Ortofon 2MR Bronze
Ortofon 2MR Bronze
Sale price  / Pcs $413.00
Ortofon 2MR Blue
Ortofon 2MR Blue
Sale price  / Pcs $220.00
Ortofon 2MR Red
Ortofon 2MR Red
Sale price  / Pcs $109.00
Ortofon 2M Red
Ortofon 2M Red
Sale price  / Pcs $109.00
Ortofon 2M Blue
Ortofon 2M Blue
Sale price  / Pcs $214.00
Ortofon 2M Bronze
Ortofon 2M Bronze
Sale price  / Pcs $443.00
Ortofon 2M Black
Ortofon 2M Black
Sale price  / Pcs $663.00
Kampagnepris Ortofon Quintet Red
Ortofon Quintet Red
Sale price  / Pcs $398.00
Ortofon Quintet Bronze
Ortofon Quintet Bronze
Sale price  / Pcs $826.00
Ortofon Quintet Black S
Ortofon Quintet Black S
Sale price  / Pcs $1,105.00
Sold out Ortofon Super OM 5E
Ortofon Super OM 5E
Sale price  / Pcs $96.00
Grado Reference 3
Grade Reference 3
Sale price  / Pcs $2,211.00
Grado Master 3
Degree Master 3
Sale price  / Pcs $1,474.00
Grado Sonata 3
Grado Sonata 3
Sale price  / Pcs $884.00
Grado Platinum 3
Grado Platinum 3
Sale price  / Pcs $590.00
Grado Opus 3
Grado Opus 3
Sale price  / Pcs $413.00
Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250
Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250
Sale price  / Pcs $1,106.00
Ortofon MC Diamond
Ortofon MC Diamond
Sale price  / Pcs $10,027.00
Grado Epoch 3 Lineage
Grado Epoch 3 Lineage
Sale price  / Pcs $17,693.00
Grado Aeon 3 Lineage
Grado Aeon 3 Lineage
Sale price  / Pcs $8,846.00
Grado Statement 3 Low output
Grado Statement 3 Low output
Sale price  / Pcs $5,160.00
Grado Prestige 3 Gold
Grado Prestige 3 Gold
Sale price  / Pcs $383.00
Grado Prestige 3 Silver
Grado Prestige 3 Silver
Sale price  / Pcs $354.00
Grado Prestige 3 Red
Grado Prestige 3 Ed
Sale price  / Pcs $265.00
Grado Prestige 3 Blue
Grado Prestige 3 Blue
Sale price  / Pcs $236.00
Grado Prestige 3 Green
Grado Prestige 3 Green
Sale price  / Pcs $191.00
Ortofon MC Xpression
Ortofon MC Xpression
Sale price  / Pcs $6,046.00
Ortofon MC Windfeld Ti
Ortofon MC Windfeld Ti
Sale price  / Pcs $6,046.00
Ortofon MC Cadenza Black
Ortofon MC Cadenza Black
Sale price  / Pcs $3,317.00
Ortofon MC Cadenza Bronze
Ortofon MC Cadenza Bronze
Sale price  / Pcs $2,800.00
Ortofon MC Cadenza Blue
Ortofon MC Cadenza Blue
Sale price  / Pcs $2,211.00
Thomas Mørk

Written by Thomas Mørk

Indehaver & Produktspecialist

Read more about the specialist

My expertises:

Thomas er den ubestridte specialist i Danmark, når det gælder high-end stereosystemer og sammensætning af komplekse systemer. De førende audioproducenter hyrer ham til at udføre deres mest krævende installationer, hvilket understreger hans ekspertise og anerkendelse i branchen. Hans dybe forståelse for system-matching gør ham til en af de bedste i landet, når det handler om at få alle komponenter til at spille optimalt sammen.

Thomas’ ekspertise rækker også til kabler og strøm, hvor han sikrer, at kunderne træffer de rette valg for at få det maksimale ud af deres systemer. Han er desuden en mester i pladespillere, og hans præcise justeringer betyder, at ens vinyler aldrig har lydt bedre.

Pickup's – pamper your record player

If you want to lift the sound from your record player, a new pickup can do wonders. A pickup is the small "lump" that must sit at the tip of the tone arm. The pickup housing is typically made of metal, plastic or wood and functions as a wrapper for the interior that generates the sound. Mainly there are two groups of pickups, namely MM (Moving Magnet) and MC (Moving Coil). However, there is also a third group of pickups - a type called MI (Moving Iron).

MM pickups will usually be the cheapest, as they are less demanding to assemble. MC pickups will therefore be in price ranges that require a better record player. Typically, turntables in the price range NOK 3,000-15,000 will be/will be equipped with an MM pickup and more expensive turntables with MC pickups. There are exceptions and it pays well, when investing in a record player, to buy as good a record player as the economy allows and then save a little on the pickup, since it will have to be replaced at some point anyway.

The price differences on pickups are often due to the fact that the grinds on the small diamond at the end of the needle tube are different. The finer the diamond is cut, the better (more precisely) it reads the groove and gets information that the more primitive cuts will have trouble with.

At Lydspecialisten you can always have your pickup fitted, and we are always ready to advise you before you buy your pickup. You can easily contact us right here .

See our selection of the best pickup brands:

Ortofon pickup

Rega pickup

Grado pickup

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